Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sick, AGAIN!

So Keyli is sick again! She started running a high fever (104.6 degrees when daycare called!) on Thursday and it just keeps continuing. According to the dr, she has some sort of bacteria floating around, causing an infection somewhere - it's just not detectable...her ears are clear, her chest is clear, they even ran a urine test to see if it is a UTI, but that was clear. She is starting to get a little congested, nothing horrible, so maybe it's just another sinus infection - who knows! She is feeling better, but is still running fever. Yesterday afternoon, it got to 105.5! Believe me, this momma was panicking! But i took her over to Nana's house and she took some medicine and drank some juice, and it came back down...Nana can always make her feel better! Thank heavens for that, because I was ready to load her up and head to the hospital!

so far today, she has just been lazy - laying around watching mickey mouse. As long as she will take her medicine, her fever stays away, but as soon as it wears off, it comes right back up. Anyway - so that's the latest going on at the Scroggins' household. I wish I was outside right now - it's absolutely GORGEOUS outside! Jerred is playing softball and I hate that i'm missing it! More later!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful day spent with friends and family, celebrating the love that you have for each other!

Jerred got me a new set of pajamas! I love lounging in a soft, comfortble pair of PJs! He also cooked dinner for us and some friends tonight - steak, chicken, & shrimp! It was YUM-O!

I got him a pair of tickets to the 2010 College Classic Baseball Tournament at Minute Maid Park...It's a 6-team tournament between University of TX, Rice, Univ of Houston, Missouri, TCU, & Texas Tech! I really hope he has fun!

Then Keyli got the biggest gift - a new puppy! We have been talking about getting her a small "lap dog" because she so badly wants to hold Kasey - our 90lb choc lab! So a lady I knew had some chi-weenie (cross between a chihuahua and a weenie dog) puppies and she gave one to me to give to Keyli! He is super cute and only supposed to get to about 7 lbs fully grown! She LOVES being able to hold him in her lap and carry him around! Although, I have to watch her because I've caught her trying to pick him up by the neck! Anyway, Jerred picked out 2 names - 1 I liked and 1 he liked and told them to Keyli - it was a choice between Taco (Jerred's choice) and Peanut (my choice) and Keyli promptly responded with "Peanut"! So, meet the newest addition to our family - Peanut, the blond-haired chi-weenie puppy!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Well, Keyli has ANOTHER sinus infection! I feel like we just got over the last round of antibiotics, only to start a new round! I guess that's the joys of daycare - everyone passes each other's germs around. While we were at the doctor, there was a little girl there that is in Keyli's class that had the same symptoms - fever, nasty cough, and congestion.

Oh well I guess...what can we do? It doesn't seem to really slow her down though - as long as she has tylenol in her, she is good to go. I tried getting her to lay down a little bit ago, but knew that was a lost cause considering she slept the whole way home from Kingwood (where her dr is). So, what does a mom do to get a little peace to get some stuff done?????

Give her a cupcake! HAHA! She has been asking me all morning and afternoon for a cupcake, so I finally gave in and let her have one! Her version of the cupcake, though, is just to eat the frosting off the top and throw the cake part away. I'm just the opposite! I'd rather eat the cake and knock the frosting off! What a great pair we make!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Murder Mystery Cruise!

We just got home from Kemah where Jerred, Keyli, Dorothy, and I attended a Murder Mystery Dinner Cruise! It was so much fun!! We ate a buffet dinner on board of this pretty good size yacht that toured for 2 hours around Galveston Bay. After the dinner part was over, we started in on this skit that was a hilarious murder mystery. One guy was an actual actor, the rest of the people in the skit were people out of the audience - me included! My name was Oprah Tunist and I was an insurace salesperson!

I highly recommend this adventure! The food was incredible, the skit was hilarious, and the boat ride itself was great! Keyli wasn't feeling all that great, so she was pretty clingy to me the whole night, but over all she was really good. She thought it was pretty cool that we were going out over the water. She loved waving to everyone standing out on the Kemah Boardwalk! It was pretty funny at the end though...the waitress was trying to clear all of our dishes away, and even though she was through eating, she WOULD NOT let her clear the dessert had to stay "right dere, mommy".