Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just checking in!

Nothing major to report - except that I'M FINALLY ON SUMMER BREAK!!!! That is so awesome! The last day of school was Thursday, June 3rd and I couldn't be happier for that bell to ring at noon to release all those screaming kids! Here is to 2 full months (well technically more for me if you count maternity leave) of no school, no waking up early, and not being on a set schedule!

On another note - I had another check up today for Baby Luke. I am officially 30 weeks along, so we are looking at about 10 weeks to go! I am so excited - but no where near ready or organized! We tried to have a 4D ultrasound done last week, but the little stinker wouldn't cooperate! He kept facing away from us, so we are gonna try again on Friday. I'm gonna be sure and eat/drink some sugar-filled somethings so he is good and awake (and moving around!) The dr said today that everything is looking perfect! I am measuring just right and my weight gain of 27 lbs (so far!) is in the healthy range!

We are about to start the potty-training process for Keyli. I refuse to have 2 kids in diapers, so we have about 10 weeks to get her in regular panties using the potty like a big girl! I really think she will do good with training. She has been using the potty all day at daycare, but refuses when she gets home. I'm about to get tough about it though and just put her in panties and let nature take it's course (pun intended!) Please pray for my sanity in that department! I'm gonna need it!

Guess that's about all that's going on in the Scroggins Household! More to come later!