Monday, August 2, 2010

new pictures!

Ok, I finally found my adapter for my memory card, so this post is dedicated to pictures that I've been promising!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

4 weeks to go!

Hey everyone - I just realized that it's been awhile since I've updated on here - although there really hasn't been much to report on!

I am now at 36 weeks along! no more than 4 weeks to go before I get to meet my Little Man! I cannot wait! I *think* we have everything we need for him - at least at first. My ILs took me to BRU to get the last minute items we still needed - bottles, pacifiers, crib sheets, etc...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!

This past weekend, Jerred, Blane, Dorothy, Keyli, and I went to Moody Gardens in Galveston for a weekend get-away! it was so awesome and much needed! I was able to get a massage & pedicure, we took Keyli to the aquarium - where she loved the sharks! We saw an IMAX movie, although none of us were really impressed with it, in fact, I think all of us dozed off and on throughout the entire thing! We ate FABULOUSLY all weekend too - which is definately a plus! The weather was perfect, a little hot, but not too terrible. I have lots of pictures to upload, but unfortunately, the adapter for my memory card is lost (AGAIN!) so I have to get a new one.

I know I keep saying I'm "going to post pictures soon" and I PROMISE i'm going too! I have so many to show yall of Keyli and how much she has grown the past several months! It's on my agenda to get a new memory card adapter THIS WEEK, so hopefully that happens and I get pictures on here soon!

love to all!
The Scroggins' Family!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just checking in!

Nothing major to report - except that I'M FINALLY ON SUMMER BREAK!!!! That is so awesome! The last day of school was Thursday, June 3rd and I couldn't be happier for that bell to ring at noon to release all those screaming kids! Here is to 2 full months (well technically more for me if you count maternity leave) of no school, no waking up early, and not being on a set schedule!

On another note - I had another check up today for Baby Luke. I am officially 30 weeks along, so we are looking at about 10 weeks to go! I am so excited - but no where near ready or organized! We tried to have a 4D ultrasound done last week, but the little stinker wouldn't cooperate! He kept facing away from us, so we are gonna try again on Friday. I'm gonna be sure and eat/drink some sugar-filled somethings so he is good and awake (and moving around!) The dr said today that everything is looking perfect! I am measuring just right and my weight gain of 27 lbs (so far!) is in the healthy range!

We are about to start the potty-training process for Keyli. I refuse to have 2 kids in diapers, so we have about 10 weeks to get her in regular panties using the potty like a big girl! I really think she will do good with training. She has been using the potty all day at daycare, but refuses when she gets home. I'm about to get tough about it though and just put her in panties and let nature take it's course (pun intended!) Please pray for my sanity in that department! I'm gonna need it!

Guess that's about all that's going on in the Scroggins Household! More to come later!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Nothing new...

Just checking in! Not much happening around the Scroggins' household! Jerred is off playing softball (surprise, surprise) and Keyli and I are hanging out at home doing chores (surprise, surprise!).
On a positive note, I only have 3 weeks of school left! This is why I LOVE working in the school districts - a little thing I love to call SUMMER VACATION! I can't wait! Not that we are doing anything big and exciting at first - it's just nice to know I don't HAVE to be up and dressed and leaving the house by 7am! Although, my days will consist of getting ready for my precious Luke to make his arrival! 14 weeks and counting! :)
Speaking of which - I had another dr appt with an U/S last monday. Everything checked out great and my little man is currently weighing in at 1 lb. 14 oz!
Well, guess that's about I said - it's been quiet around here! Just the way I like it! I'll check back in soon! Love to all!

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's finally Friday!

I've been saying that alot here lately! It seems like every monday, my Facebook Status reads something to the affect of: "well, lets get this week started so it will end faster!"...Followed 5 days later by: "Yea! It's Friday, time to start my weekend!"

My work days seem to drag - being a teacher in the schools, I feel much like my students do around this time of year. The countdown to summer began the Monday following Spring Break, and being stuck indoors on beautiful, warm, sunny days is just plain wrong! But only 19 days to go, then we get a nice long break!

However, I'm usually not THIS mentally and physically ready for summer though. I attribute my eagerness to being 6 months pregnant and knowing that my sweet baby boy is making his grand entrance at the end of the summer! I still have so much to do to get ready for him! I plan to hit the ground running as soon as that last day of school comes and goes! I think the "nesting" stage of pregnancy is starting to sink in, but I'm trying to hold off until school is over. But it's driving me crazy that his room is not ready, I don't have alot of stuff for him yet, and Keyli isn't potty trained yet - which is my MAIN concern and priority before August gets here. I only want 1 child in diapers! Wish me luck on that one, huh? :)

anyway - I've got 3 weeks to go - I can do it!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Disney On Ice

My mom and I took Keyli to Disney on Ice this afternoon. It was held at Reliant Stadium and Keyli had a blast! It had all of her favorite characters and she was mesmerized! She did not want to leave once the show was over! Now that I have uploaded all the pictures to our computer, all she wants to do is look at them over and over again - and tell me exactly who each person is! She came home with a Mickey Mouse blanket and Minnie Mouse T-shirt (courtesy of Nana), and a new cup, coloring book, and program (from mommy). Here are a few pics from the show

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's Official!!

I am 21 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy! I can't believe it's gone by so fast! I had another dr. appt this afternoon, along with an ultrasound and guess what!?! We are having a boy!!! We are so excited! I get to be the football and baseball mom! :) Keyli told her daddy that she has a baby brudder!

Unfortunately, he could not be at the ultrasound due to sad circumstances. His grandmother passed away over the weekend and her funeral was this morning. So Keyli and I left after the funeral and drove to Kingwood to the dr, and he stayed behind to be with his mom.

well, guess that's all the news for now. Now comes the fun part of deciding on a middle name, getting ideas for his bedding, and buying little boy clothes! Yippee! Have I mentioned that we are really excited!?!