Tuesday, July 20, 2010

4 weeks to go!

Hey everyone - I just realized that it's been awhile since I've updated on here - although there really hasn't been much to report on!

I am now at 36 weeks along! no more than 4 weeks to go before I get to meet my Little Man! I cannot wait! I *think* we have everything we need for him - at least at first. My ILs took me to BRU to get the last minute items we still needed - bottles, pacifiers, crib sheets, etc...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!

This past weekend, Jerred, Blane, Dorothy, Keyli, and I went to Moody Gardens in Galveston for a weekend get-away! it was so awesome and much needed! I was able to get a massage & pedicure, we took Keyli to the aquarium - where she loved the sharks! We saw an IMAX movie, although none of us were really impressed with it, in fact, I think all of us dozed off and on throughout the entire thing! We ate FABULOUSLY all weekend too - which is definately a plus! The weather was perfect, a little hot, but not too terrible. I have lots of pictures to upload, but unfortunately, the adapter for my memory card is lost (AGAIN!) so I have to get a new one.

I know I keep saying I'm "going to post pictures soon" and I PROMISE i'm going too! I have so many to show yall of Keyli and how much she has grown the past several months! It's on my agenda to get a new memory card adapter THIS WEEK, so hopefully that happens and I get pictures on here soon!

love to all!
The Scroggins' Family!

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